Weight: 38lbs (including the battery)
Ball Speed: 10 to 75 MPH
Dimensions: 20” height x 22” long x 14” wide.
Warranty: 3 year parts warranty if any of the parts are defective, 1 year warranty for the battery.
Ball Capacity: 125 balls
Rechargeable battery: lasts 3 to 4 hours.
Smart battery charger
Random Oscillator plus 2 Line Oscillator features are standard.
Variable Ball Feed: Adjustable from one ball every 1.5 seconds to one ball every 10 seconds.
Electronic Elevation with Bar Graph Display
Features FOUR PRESET SHOTS - Topspin, underspin, moonball, lob.
Two Pre-Programmed Drills
Built in towing handle and wheels.
Start up time delay: Allows player time to get to the other side of the net before balls begin shooting.
Made with Dupont plastic. (the heaviest, most durable level of plastic)
2-Button Remote available and sold separately – Starts and stops ball delivery, and controls side-to-side position of the ball throws. ($200)
FM Multifunction Remote available sold separately ($300).